The project comprised of the demolition of both existing platform structures which were of harp unit construction and were life expired. New foundations and platform riser walls as per Network Rail standard detail were constructed and new platform construction completed, including new wearing course to both platforms. The footways were upgraded to provide DDA compliant access to the existing barrow crossing for access and egress to both platforms.
As the Principle Contractor appointed by Network Rail to deliver this project, we engage the services of a lead designer to complete the Network Rail Design Forms Process. Following sign off of the design, and issue of the AFC design, the site was mobilised and works commenced. Due to the operational requirements of the station, all the works were carried out during engineering hours for the duration of the 7 month contract.
Working in collaboration with the Network Rail delivery unit, the works were successfully delivered with minimal disruption to the local residents, living adjacent to the station boundaries. Noise suppressant plant was used throughout to minimise disruption to the surrounding areas. The MPH Site Manager liaised closely with the local residents and neighbouring businesses to address and manage any concerns raised. Landscaping were completed within the project, allowing 'Friends of the Station' to complete their planting regime ready for the new growing season.